MTK INFO & Imei Changer Ver.2

- This A simple FREE Software to Read Info & Cange IMEI base MTK Cpu NO need Spesial Box
- Your Phone Must Be in Normal Mode
- With This software U can
- read Flash Firmware in your chinese phone in 5 second
- Read CPU Base MTK
- Read Serial Number in CPU
- Read Versi Sound
- Read Versi Your Phone Board
- Read/Write IMEI (to IMEI #2 or secondary IMEI in MTK I hope it can read , but to write Secondary IMEI I was Do It in 6226BA)
For CDMA Base Qualcomm this soft for ceks cable ~ do it with "CDMA key emulator "
because some chinese phone in Indonesia, have double base cpu MTK and Qualcomm

Spesial Thank's To all My friends In forum....

By Ugam Tekhnology ~ INDONESIA

1 comentários:

wesley disse...

Amigo gostaria de saber se sabe de algum codigo que posso recolocar meu imei de volta ele ta zerado se poder me ajudar deixa um recado no meu
Ai ate agora muito obrigado!!!